SIRP offers the flexibility to configure third-party authentications, including LDAP, enabling organizations to enhance their security and streamline user access management. This feature simplifies the authentication process, ensuring stronger security measures and efficient resource management.
Configuring Third-Party Authentication in SIRP
Go to Admin > Access Control > Third Party Auth
Click on the Add Authentication button
Select LDAP from the dropdown
Activate the Auth type by clicking on the toggle button and click Create
Once added to the list, click on Edit under the Actions column
Add the following details in the form and click Update:
Username: <distinguishedName of the user>
Note: Use an account whose password is set to never expire.Password: <Password of the user>
Host: <IP address of the LDAP>
Configuration: <Base DN>
Inviting New Users
Once LDAP is configured as a third-party authentication, you can invite new users by selecting the "Authentication Type" for every user (Access Control > Users > Invite User). This means, that when the users accept the invitation, they will log in using their LDAP credentials.