SIRP seamlessly integrates with Qualys, allowing you to ingest your Assets from its Global Asset View and display all assets within the SIRP Asset module. This integration empowers SOC teams to effortlessly maintain an updated list of assets under their monitoring purview.
Configuring Asset Ingestion:
Navigate to Administration > Automation > Ingestion Sources and click on Add Source.
Configure ingestion source in the following manner:
Set Ingestion Method to API
Set Format to JSON
Give the ingestion source a Name
Set Ingestion Type to Asset
In the Application dropdown select Qualys
In the Actions drop-down select Get Assets
In the Configuration dropdown select the instance you would like to ingest the assets from and click Save
To confirm, SIRP is ingesting data from Qualys, navigate to Administration > Logs > Ingestion Logs
Validate the ingestion logs.
SIRP Asset Ingestion in Action
The ingested assets can be viewed from the Assets section